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Planning your PR over Christmas without doing much

Writer's picture: Rebecca SlaterRebecca Slater

As  we all wind down for the festive break PR might, understandably,  be the last thing on your mind.  Whilst I could say the break would be a good time to start planning your PR for next year I also know that when there is turkey to eat, Bailey’s to drink, presents to wrap, kids to entertain and fun to be had who wants to be thinking about press coverage, blog ideas, product photography and publicity stunts?

Ideas Generation

Whilst you probably won’t ve planning your PR over Christmas I find that quite often the times I get my best ideas are when I’m not working.  When my mind is relaxed and not under pressure to come up with ideas some of my best ideas arise, so you might find that although you may not be thinking PR some ideas might come. Here are some things you can do  to help you get creative without having actually be working on your PR

Read magazines and papers

When you get a minute of down time have a look through your favourite magazines and papers, they are full of PR even if you don’t immediately recognise it.  The shoes you see on the fashion pages, the book reviews, the day in a life features, the comments from business leaders in industry publications are all forms of publicity that have often been placed by the business or their PR team.  Once you start recognising how many things are targeted publicity you can’t unsee it and it might also spark some ideas.

Have a notebook and pen

I always have a pen and paper with me and I’d advise you to do the same.  You never know when inspiration will strike, like I say holiday times are often when I get my best ideas.  I might be out and about and see something that triggers an idea, a friend may say something that gets the cogs whirring or I read something in a book or see something on TV.  As I never know when it will happen I carry a notebook in my bag, have one by my bed and if you don’t have a paper and pen record a voice note on your phone.

Google your favourite brands

Whilst your browsing through the January sales maybe do a quick search of competitors and your favourite brands.  Take a look at what publicity they’ve had, what they’ve been blogging, what they’ve been talking about on their socials.  All of these things can be inspiration for the coming year.

Book a call

If you’re still lacking in inspiration then consider booking a call with a PR professional for the start of 2024.  For those wanting to hire a PR person to work with them on a freelance basis book a FREE Discovery Call with me where we can discuss your needs and explore how PR might work for you.  If it is more that you know what you want to do but need somebody to bounce ideas off, brainstorm with, help you formulate a plan, find your story or a host of other things you might be struggling with then I offer a 75 minute Dig Deeper Call where we can really get down to the nitty gritty of your business, get some clarity on potential stories and where you could pitch so that you can go away and formulate an epic 2024 PR Plan.

To find out more about me and how I can support you visit or drop me an email at

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