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Rebecca Slater
Mar 14, 20243 min read
PR is everywhere you just might not see it.
The title of this blog might sound slightly dramatic. You might be thinking this is an exaggeration but I kid you not it really is. It...
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Rebecca Slater
May 24, 20232 min read
Where to pitch for the rest of the year
As mentioned in previous blogs there are two types of media: long lead and short lead. Long lead media are things like print monthly...
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Rebecca Slater
Apr 25, 20233 min read
A day in the life of a PR
What is it like working in PR? What do I do every day? People perceive PR to be a world of glamour and parties and whilst I have had my...
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Rebecca Slater
Jun 16, 20214 min read
How to get your products on the product pages
I’ve been on about the fact that the monthly magazines are all ready on the hunt for the must have products to fill the pages of their...
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Rebecca Slater
Apr 27, 20212 min read
To niche or not to niche?
My background in PR is vast. You name a sector or industry and I have probably done PR in it from bras to cars to meat packaging (I don’t...
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Rebecca Slater
Oct 14, 20203 min read
A picture speaks a thousand words
If you know me, you will know that I am a big fan of stories and can often be found banging on about the importance of stories in getting...
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Thoughts from inside my head
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